When I was pregnant and nearing "go-time", I stressed that I wasn't prepared enough or didn't have the right baby items stocked up. I would wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, dreaming that we would bring Sophie home and only then would I realize we were missing some key piece of baby-related furniture or clothing.
Looking back, I realize logically that if we were missing something we were only 10 miles away from all the local stores....not really a tragedy if we discovered something dire was missing from our baby inventory. But when you are about to be a mom for the first time, you tend not to be logical.
However, I came to find out that there are way too many baby items that are useless, not sensible and not needed at all (in my opinion).
Here are my three favorite items that I relied on religiously when Sophie was a baby....
1. Fisher Price My Little Lamb Sleeper
We used this in place of a bassinet and we LOVED it! Sophie slept in it for all naps and at night since the day she was born until about 3 months old (when we moved her to her crib full time).
It's so light and portable that it was no hassle at all dragging it from room to room. We also packed it up when we went on overnight trips or to someone's house and it was so convenient!
Hands down one of my all time favorite pieces of baby related haul. I could not have lived without this.
2. Infant Gowns
Forget the cutesy pajama's that snap up the front....for the first couple months Sophie lived in these dressing gowns. They are so easy and especially handy when you have to change the baby's diaper bleary eyed, in the middle of the night. Envision yourself trying to fiddle with snaps and zippers when you've been up every two hours and it's the middle of the night....forget about it. The dressing gown is so easy, no buttons/snaps/zippers to mess around with. It's just elastic on the bottom :)
3. Nursing Cover
There are millions out there and I've used two different ones and have no real preference on brand. But considering I breastfed for a year, I probably used my nursing cover more than any other baby related item I have.
They are so light and easy to tote along with you in the diaper bag and they work really well at covering you without you having to worry that people can see in the sides, or around you. Covers everything well without worry.
There are more items that came in very handy but if I had to pick three for the first couple months...these are definitely the top!
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