Wednesday, June 19, 2013

You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream (while I secretly cringe)

I know it's normal for babies to cry but is it just me that gets nervous when my daughter cries in public?

I tend to be a person that overly cares what other people think...even perfect strangers. Believe me I know this is an issue I need to work on but for the foreseeable future it's a trait I'm stuck with.

That being said, whenever Sophie cries in public I feel a little bit nervous and then I feel bad for the people around me. If we go to dinner and she gets a bit fussy, I suddenly find myself signaling the waiter to back up our food to go and apologizing to the strangers around me.

Thankfully Dan is much more calm and has the common sense to realize that babies cry. It's what they do. A lot. So I need to deal with it. He's usually the one that looks at me (like the crazy person I am) and says "just give her a minute", then she stops crying once she's found her toy or found her hand to chew on, and we go back to our dinner.

Now I'm in public often (as normal non-hermit people are) and I see babies out all the time and I hear them cry or get fussy and I find it normal. I often feel sympathetic for the baby's mom who obviously is doing what she can to soothe the crying baby, so I don't know why I feel guilty when my baby cries.

Anyone else relate?

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