Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dating My Husband

Dan and I have been married for almost 5 years now but we've been dating since we were in high school....that's a whole lotta dates.

Not to be cheesy but I can without a doubt say that he is my absolute best friend. I never get tired of him and he is my favorite person to hang out with.

One thing that both Dan and I completely agreed upon before we had a baby was that we still needed to put in the time to be "us". Obviously our live changed once we added Sophie to the mix, but both of us truly believe that it's so important to still have "Brynn and Dan" time. 

I never thought I'd say this, but it's hard to do. It's insanely hard to leave Sophie for even a minute. Don't get me wrong, we bring Sophie almost everywhere we go (she's been out to eat so many times since being born it's kinda funny), but I had to force myself to leave her with a family member a few times to go on a "date" with my hubby.

I read somewhere that nurturing your relationship with your husband sets a great example for your baby and I agree with that. I think it's so important for a child to see a loving relationship between their dad and mom and it makes for a happy family dynamic. 

So, in the two months that Sophie has been born, we've gone on 2 dates san Sophie. And they were both wonderful! It's great to just take a step back and not talk about diapers, breastfeeding, laundry, the cute thing Sophie did that day, etc. I made a rule that on date night we can't talk about Sophie the whole time....let's face it, sometimes you just crave adult, non-baby related conversation.

So find a family or friend that would watch your little for you for even just an hour and go on a date with your partner.

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